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robotcode [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...


  -c, --config PATH               Config file to use. Can be specified
                                  multiple times. If not specified, the
                                  default config file is used.
  -p, --profile TEXT              The Execution Profile to use. Can be
                                  specified multiple times. If not specified,
                                  the default profile is used.
  -f, --format [toml|json|json-indent|text]
                                  Set the output format.
  -d, --dry                       Dry run, do not execute any commands.
  --color / --no-color            Whether or not to display colored output
                                  (default is auto-detection).
  --pager / --no-pager            Whether or not use a pager to display long
                                  text or data.
  -v, --verbose                   Enables verbose mode.
  --log                           Enables logging.
                                  Sets the log level.  [default: CRITICAL]
  --log-calls                     Enables logging of method/function calls.
  --version                       Show the version and exit.
  --help                          Show this message and exit.


  • analyze: TODO: Analyzes a Robot Framework project.
  • clean: TODO: Cleans a Robot Framework project.
  • config: View configuration informations.
  • debug: Starts a Robot Framework debug session and waits for incomming connections.
  • discover: Commands to discover informations about the current project.
  • language-server: Run Robot Framework Language Server.
  • libdoc: Runs libdoc with the selected configuration, profiles, options and arguments.
  • new: TODO: Create a new Robot Framework project.
  • profiles: View robot profile informations.
  • rebot: Runs rebot with the selected configuration, profiles, options and arguments.
  • robot: Runs robot with the selected configuration, profiles, options and arguments.
  • testdoc: Runs testdoc with the selected configuration, profiles, options and arguments.

robotcode analyze

TODO: Analyzes a Robot Framework project.


robotcode analyze [OPTIONS] [PATHS]...


  --version  Show the version and exit.
  --help     Show this message and exit.

robotcode clean

TODO: Cleans a Robot Framework project.

TODO: This is not implemented yet.


robotcode clean [OPTIONS]


  --help  Show this message and exit.

robotcode config

View configuration informations.


robotcode config [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...


  --help  Show this message and exit.


  • files: Search for robot configuration files and list them.
  • info: Shows informations about possible configuration settings.
  • root: Searches for the root folder of the robot project and prints them.
  • show: Shows the current robot configuration.

robotcode config files

Search for robot configuration files and list them.

Takes a list of PATHS or if no PATHS are given, takes the current working directory, to search for configuration files and prints them.


robotcode config files
robotcode config files tests/acceptance/first.robot


robotcode config files [OPTIONS] [PATHS]... [USER]


  --help  Show this message and exit.

robotcode config info

Shows informations about possible configuration settings.


robotcode config info [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...


  --help  Show this message and exit.


  • desc: Shows the description of the specified configuration settings.
  • list: Lists all possible configuration settings.

robotcode config info desc

Shows the description of the specified configuration settings.

If no NAME is given shows the description of all possible configuration settings. Wildcards are supported.


robotcode config info desc
robotcode config info desc python-path
robotcode config info desc rebot.*
robotcode config info desc *tag*


robotcode config info desc [OPTIONS] [NAME]...


  --help  Show this message and exit.

robotcode config info list

Lists all possible configuration settings.

If NAME is given searches for given name. Wildcards are supported.


robotcode config info list
robotcode config info list rebot.*
robotcode config info list *tag*


robotcode config info list [OPTIONS] [NAME]...


  --help  Show this message and exit.

robotcode config root

Searches for the root folder of the robot project and prints them.

Takes a list of PATHS or if no PATHS are given, takes the current working directory, to search for the root of the project and prints this.


robotcode config root
robotcode config root tests/acceptance/first.robot


robotcode config root [OPTIONS] [PATHS]...


  --help  Show this message and exit.

robotcode config show

Shows the current robot configuration.

Takes a list of PATHS or if no PATHS are given, takes the current working directory, to search for configuration files and prints the current configuration.


robotcode config show
robotcode config show tests/acceptance/first.robot
robotcode --format json config show


robotcode config show [OPTIONS] [PATHS]...


  -s, --single  Shows single files, not the combined config.
  --help        Show this message and exit.

robotcode debug

Starts a Robot Framework debug session and waits for incomming connections.


robotcode debug [OPTIONS] [ROBOT_OPTIONS_AND_ARGS]...


  --debug / --no-debug            Enable/disable debug mode  [default: debug]
  --stop-on-entry / --no-stop-on-entry
                                  Breaks into debugger when a robot framework
                                  run starts.  [default: no-stop-on-entry]
  --wait-for-client / --no-wait-for-client
                                  Waits until a debug client is connected.
                                  [default: wait-for-client]
  --wait-for-client-timeout FLOAT
                                  Timeout in seconds for waiting for a
                                  connection with a debug client.  [default:
  --configuration-done-timeout FLOAT
                                  Timeout to wait for a configuration from
                                  client.  [default: 10]
  --debugpy / --no-debugpy        Enable/disable python debugging.  [default:
  --debugpy-wait-for-client       Waits for a debugpy client to connect.
  --debugpy-port INTEGER          The port for the debugpy session.  [default:
  --output-messages / --no-output-messages
                                  Send output messages from robot framework to
                                  client.  [default: no-output-messages]
  --output-log / --no-output-log  Send log messages from robotframework to
                                  client.  [default: output-log]
  --output-timestamps / --no-output-timestamps
                                  Include timestamps in log and output
                                  messages.  [default: no-output-timestamps]
  --group-output / --no-group-output
                                  Fold/group messages or log messages.
                                  [default: no-group-output]
  --tcp [<ADDRESS>:]<PORT>        Run in `tcp` server mode and listen at the
                                  given port. (Equivalent to `--mode tcp
                                  --port <port>`) *NOTE:* This option is
                                  mutually exclusive with options: pipe-
                                  server, port, mode, pipe-name.
  --pipe-server NAME              Run in `pipe-server` mode and listen at the
                                  given pipe name. (Equivalent to `--mode
                                  pipe-server --pipe-name <name>`) *NOTE:*
                                  This option is mutually exclusive with
                                  options: tcp, mode, port, pipe-name, bind.
  --mode [pipe-server|tcp]        The mode to use for the debug launch server.
                                  *NOTE:* This option is mutually exclusive
                                  with options: pipe-server, tcp.  [default:
  --port PORT                     The port to listen on or connect to. (Only
                                  valid for `tcp` and `socket mode`) *NOTE:*
                                  This option is mutually exclusive with
                                  options: pipe-server, pipe-name.  [default:
                                  6612; 1<=x<=65535]
  --bind ADDRESS                  Specify alternate bind address. If no
                                  address is specified `localhost` is used.
                                  (Only valid for tcp and socket mode) *NOTE:*
                                  This option is mutually exclusive with
                                  options: pipe-server, pipe-name.  [default:
  --pipe-name NAME                The pipe to listen on or connect to. (Only
                                  valid in `pipe` and `pipe-server` mode)
                                  *NOTE:* This option is mutually exclusive
                                  with options: pipe-server, port, bind, tcp.
  --version                       Show the version and exit.
  --help                          Show this message and exit.

robotcode discover

Commands to discover informations about the current project.


robotcode discover tests
robotcode --profile regression discover tests


robotcode discover [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...


  --help  Show this message and exit.


  • all: Discover suites, tests, tasks with the selected configuration,
  • info: Shows some informations about the current robot environment.
  • suites: Discover suites with the selected configuration, profiles, options and
  • tags: Discover tags with the selected configuration, profiles, options and
  • tests: Discover tests with the selected configuration, profiles, options and

robotcode discover all

Discover suites, tests, tasks with the selected configuration, profiles, options and arguments.

You can use all known robot arguments to filter for example by tags or to use pre-run-modifier.


robotcode discover all
robotcode --profile regression discover all
robotcode --profile regression discover all --include regression --exclude wipANDnotready


robotcode discover all [OPTIONS] [ROBOT_OPTIONS_AND_ARGS]...


  --diagnostics / --no-diagnostics
                                  Display `robot` parsing errors and warning
                                  that occur during discovering.  [default:
  --by-longname TEXT              Select tests/tasks or suites by longname.
  --exclude-by-longname TEXT      Excludes tests/tasks or suites by longname.
  --version                       Show the version and exit.
  --help                          Show this message and exit.

robotcode discover info

Shows some informations about the current robot environment.


robotcode discover info


robotcode discover info [OPTIONS]


  --help  Show this message and exit.

robotcode discover suites

Discover suites with the selected configuration, profiles, options and arguments.

You can use all known robot arguments to filter for example by tags or to use pre-run-modifier.


robotcode discover suites
robotcode --profile regression discover suites
robotcode --profile regression discover suites --include regression --exclude wipANDnotready


robotcode discover suites [OPTIONS] [ROBOT_OPTIONS_AND_ARGS]...


  --diagnostics / --no-diagnostics
                                  Display `robot` parsing errors and warning
                                  that occur during discovering.  [default:
  --by-longname TEXT              Select tests/tasks or suites by longname.
  --exclude-by-longname TEXT      Excludes tests/tasks or suites by longname.
  --version                       Show the version and exit.
  --help                          Show this message and exit.

robotcode discover tags

Discover tags with the selected configuration, profiles, options and arguments.

You can use all known robot arguments to filter for example by tags or to use pre-run-modifier.


robotcode discover tags
robotcode --profile regression discover tags

robotcode --profile regression discover tags --tests -i wip


robotcode discover tags [OPTIONS] [ROBOT_OPTIONS_AND_ARGS]...


  --normalized / --not-normalized
                                  Whether or not normalized tags are shown.
                                  [default: normalized]
  --tests / --no-tests            Show tests where the tag is present.
                                  [default: no-tests]
  --full-paths / --no-full-paths  Show full paths instead of releative.
                                  [default: no-full-paths]
  --diagnostics / --no-diagnostics
                                  Display `robot` parsing errors and warning
                                  that occur during discovering.  [default:
  --by-longname TEXT              Select tests/tasks or suites by longname.
  --exclude-by-longname TEXT      Excludes tests/tasks or suites by longname.
  --version                       Show the version and exit.
  --help                          Show this message and exit.

robotcode discover tests

Discover tests with the selected configuration, profiles, options and arguments.

You can use all known robot arguments to filter for example by tags or to use pre-run-modifier.


robotcode discover tests
robotcode --profile regression discover tests
robotcode --profile regression discover tests --include regression --exclude wipANDnotready


robotcode discover tests [OPTIONS] [ROBOT_OPTIONS_AND_ARGS]...


  --tags / --no-tags              Show the tags that are present.  [default:
  --full-paths / --no-full-paths  Show full paths instead of releative.
                                  [default: no-full-paths]
  --diagnostics / --no-diagnostics
                                  Display `robot` parsing errors and warning
                                  that occur during discovering.  [default:
  --by-longname TEXT              Select tests/tasks or suites by longname.
  --exclude-by-longname TEXT      Excludes tests/tasks or suites by longname.
  --version                       Show the version and exit.
  --help                          Show this message and exit.

robotcode language-server

Run Robot Framework Language Server.


robotcode language-server [OPTIONS] [PATHS]...


  --stdio                         Run in `stdio` mode. (Equivalent to `--mode
                                  stdio`) *NOTE:* This option is mutually
                                  exclusive with options: tcp, socket, mode,
                                  pipe, port, pipe-name, bind.
  --tcp [<ADDRESS>:]<PORT>        Run in `tcp` server mode and listen at the
                                  given port. (Equivalent to `--mode tcp
                                  --port <port>`) *NOTE:* This option is
                                  mutually exclusive with options: socket,
                                  mode, pipe, port, pipe-name, stdio.
  --socket [<ADDRESS>:]<PORT>     Run in `socket` mode and connect to the
                                  given port. (Equivalent to `--mode socket
                                  --port <port>`) *NOTE:* This option is
                                  mutually exclusive with options: tcp, mode,
                                  pipe, port, pipe-name, stdio.
  --pipe NAME                     Run in `pipe` mode and connect to the given
                                  pipe name. (Equivalent to `--mode pipe
                                  --pipe-name <name>`) *NOTE:* This option is
                                  mutually exclusive with options: tcp,
                                  socket, mode, port, pipe-name, stdio, bind.
  --mode [socket|stdio|tcp|pipe]  The mode to use for the debug launch server.
                                  *NOTE:* This option is mutually exclusive
                                  with options: socket, stdio, tcp, pipe.
                                  [default: stdio]
  --port PORT                     The port to listen on or connect to. (Only
                                  valid for `tcp` and `socket mode`) *NOTE:*
                                  This option is mutually exclusive with
                                  options: pipe-name, pipe.  [default: 6610;
  --bind ADDRESS                  Specify alternate bind address. If no
                                  address is specified `localhost` is used.
                                  (Only valid for tcp and socket mode) *NOTE:*
                                  This option is mutually exclusive with
                                  options: pipe-name, pipe.  [default:
  --pipe-name NAME                The pipe to listen on or connect to. (Only
                                  valid in `pipe` and `pipe-server` mode)
                                  *NOTE:* This option is mutually exclusive
                                  with options: tcp, socket, pipe, port,
                                  stdio, bind.
  --version                       Show the version and exit.
  --help                          Show this message and exit.

robotcode libdoc

Runs libdoc with the selected configuration, profiles, options and arguments.

The options and arguments are passed to libdoc as is.


robotcode libdoc [OPTIONS] [ROBOT_OPTIONS_AND_ARGS]...


  --version  Show the version and exit.
  --help     Show this message and exit.

robotcode new

TODO: Create a new Robot Framework project.

TODO: This is not implemented yet.


robotcode new [OPTIONS]


  --help  Show this message and exit.

robotcode profiles

View robot profile informations.


robotcode profiles [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...


  --help  Show this message and exit.


  • list: Lists the defined profiles in the current robot configuration.
  • show: Shows the given robot profile.

robotcode profiles list

Lists the defined profiles in the current robot configuration.


robotcode profiles list [OPTIONS] [PATHS]...


  --help  Show this message and exit.

robotcode profiles show

Shows the given robot profile.


robotcode profiles show [OPTIONS] [PATHS]...


  -n, --no-evaluate  Don't evaluate expressions in the profile.
  --help             Show this message and exit.

robotcode rebot

Runs rebot with the selected configuration, profiles, options and arguments.

The options and arguments are passed to rebot as is.


robotcode rebot [OPTIONS] [ROBOT_OPTIONS_AND_ARGS]...


  --version  Show the version and exit.
  --help     Show this message and exit.

robotcode robot

Runs robot with the selected configuration, profiles, options and arguments.

The options and arguments are passed to robot as is.


robotcode run


robotcode robot [OPTIONS] [ROBOT_OPTIONS_AND_ARGS]...


  --by-longname TEXT          Select tests/tasks or suites by longname.
  --exclude-by-longname TEXT  Excludes tests/tasks or suites by longname.
  --version                   Show the version and exit.
  --help                      Show this message and exit.

robotcode testdoc

Runs testdoc with the selected configuration, profiles, options and arguments.

The options and arguments are passed to testdoc as is.


robotcode testdoc [OPTIONS] [ROBOT_OPTIONS_AND_ARGS]...


  --version  Show the version and exit.
  --help     Show this message and exit.